
About Ann Eckert Brown

Ann Eckert Brown has been researching, executing, and teaching eighteenth and nineteenth-century ornamental painting techniques since the 1960s. Included in her restoration commissions is the painted interior of a Gothic Revival chapel in Newport, Rhode Island. Her ornamented furnishings have been widely exhibited, including two solo exhibitions in the 1990s – one featuring the gilded surface and semi-precious faux finishes and the other “Penwork”, a technique developed in Georgian England to replicate Indian Vizagapatam ivory. Her work has been featured in numerous publications including “Yankee” and “Early American Life” which named her a craftsman of the year in 1993.
Latest Posts | By Ann Eckert Brown
Did the “Birdman of Loudon, New Hampshire” visit Rhode Island?
5 years ago

Did the “Birdman of Loudon, New Hampshire” visit Rhode Island?

Researching stenciled decorations found on walls of historic American homes must be similar to investigating the cold cases tackled by today’s television detectives. In both such investigations, there are many …
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