
About John Linton

John Linton spent his childhood developing his skills as a military brat while the family moved from one location to another, finally settling in Berwick, Maine, where he met his wife, Brenda Johnson. He attended Gorham State College to avoid the draft and somehow graduated with a teaching degree in social studies. He was hired by the Westerly School Department in 1970 and has lived in Westerly ever since. He retired from teaching in 2002, much to the relief of his colleagues and especially the administration. When people now ask him what he does he loves to tell them “Nothing.” He does dabble in photography every now and then. John (further) writes: When I retired from teaching in 2002, I looked for something to do. I was interested in the arts, but could never properly tune my guitar and my water colors were pathetic, so I took up photography. In 2009, I was approached by Linda Chaffee and asked if I would be interested in helping to create a photographic record of the thousands of Westerly granite monuments scattered across the United States. My wife, Brenda, and I love to travel so we said yes. We have been photographing Westerly granite ever since, from Maine to Florida and from Massachusetts to California.
Latest Posts | By John Linton
The Smith Granite Company of Westerly: A Short History
10 months ago

The Smith Granite Company of Westerly: A Short History

By  •  Business

One of the oldest quarry districts in New England can be found in Westerly, where stone commonly known as Westerly White and Westerly Blue became the United States Bureau of …
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