
About Ed Iannuccilli

Dr. Ed Iannuccilli, a retired gastroenterologist, graduated from Providence College and Albany Medical College. He served as Chair of the Rhode Island Hospital Board of Trustees and is a Clinical Professor Emeritus at Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University. Currently a staff writer for GoLocalProv, in addition to authoring medical articles, he has written books on stories of his childhood, including Growing up Italian, Grandfather’s Fig Tree and Other Stories; What Ever Happened to Sunday Dinner; and My Story Continues, From Neighborhood to Junior High School. His latest book is an eBook, Growing Up Italian: Collected Stories. He is available to speak about his memories and how to pass on to your stories to your children and grandchildren.
Latest Posts | By Ed Iannuccilli
Movie Theaters and Trolleys in Providence, 1940-1955
3 years ago

Movie Theaters and Trolleys in Providence, 1940-1955

[Note from the Editor: Last week’s article consisted of three short stories by Ed Iannuccilli from his childhood growing up in the 1940s in Providence on Wealth Avenue, near Academy …
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Growing Up Italian in Providence in the 1940s
3 years ago

Growing Up Italian in Providence in the 1940s

Life holds a knapsack full of memories—all of them significant; many, if not most, are worth recording. Growing up in a neighborhood of family and friends was a journey to …
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