
About Gloria H. Schmidt

Gloria H. Schmidt was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil. She has a BA in American History from Cornell University, an MAT (Social Studies) from Brown University, and a Masters in Information and Library Science from the University of Rhode Island. As a library/media specialist in Portsmouth, R.I. Schools, Gloria developed a passion for sharing local history with her students. In retirement, Gloria has become a local historian who researches and writes about the history of Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Her blog, covers a variety of topics from farming to women’s suffrage. Gloria is on the board of the Portsmouth Community Theater and has written historically based plays. She is a volunteer historian for the Butts Hill Fort Restoration Committee/Battle of Rhode Island Association. Gloria enjoys spending winters in Texas with her grandsons.
Latest Posts | By Gloria H. Schmidt
Lafayette in Rhode Island
2 weeks ago

Lafayette in Rhode Island

“The moment I heard of America, I lov’d her.” The Marquis de Lafayette wrote this in a letter from his camp near Warren, Rhode Island, on September 23, 1778. It …
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