
About Herb Weiss

Herb Weiss is a Pawtucket writer covering aging, health care and medical issues. To purchase Taking Charge: Collected Stories on Aging Boldly, a collection of 79 of his weekly commentaries, go to Herb’s volume 2 of Taking Charge: Collected Stories on Aging Boldly will be released this summer.
Latest Posts | By Herb Weiss
Generations of Students Take Field Trips to Historic Slater Mill
3 years ago

Generations of Students Take Field Trips to Historic Slater Mill

By  •  Local Sites

In Pawtucket’s downtown can be found historic Slater Mill, consisting of the Slater and Wilkinson Mill and the Sylvanus Brown House, sitting on five acres of land on both sides …
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Rediscovering Pawtucket’s Red Pollard
3 years ago

Rediscovering Pawtucket’s Red Pollard

In 2003, a dramatic movie about a Depression-era race horse and his oversized jockey became a top box office film hit.  This story of hope and perseverance was woven into …
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