
World War I Rhode Island

An Enemy Creeps In
6 years ago

An Enemy Creeps In

By the late summer of 1918, the World War had achieved the nadir of state authorized mayhem. Millions were dead, diseased, and wounded. Homeless, starving men, women, and children stalked …
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The 103rd Field Artillery on the Western Front in World War I
7 years ago

The 103rd Field Artillery on the Western Front in World War I

While tiny Rhode Island contributed her fair share of men to serve in the United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps during World War I, only one organized unit of …
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Welcome Aboard the USS Rumford
7 years ago

Welcome Aboard the USS Rumford

When the United States declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary on April 6, 1917 and entered the Great War, it created an urgent need to train members of the armed …
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Rhode Island Women of Color During the Great War
8 years ago

Rhode Island Women of Color During the Great War

World War I was a transformative moment for America. It would propel our still young nation into a world-wide conflict and require an unparalleled national mobilization of troops and supplies. …
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A German U-Boat in Newport Harbor During World War I
9 years ago

A German U-Boat in Newport Harbor During World War I

Many Rhode Islanders are familiar with the sinking of the German submarine U-853 off Block Island in May of 1945 in the waning days of World War II. But U-boats …
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