
American Revolution and Revolutionary War

July 19, the Real Rhode Island Independence Day
8 years ago

July 19, the Real Rhode Island Independence Day

From 1974 to mid-1977 when I served as volunteer chairman of the Rhode Island commission to celebrate American independence (ri 76) one thorny issue involved the correction of the long-held …
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Building the Replicas of Revolutionary War Ships Rose and Providence
9 years ago

Building the Replicas of Revolutionary War Ships Rose and Providence

Here is a brief account of the historical significance of the warships Rose and Providence during the Revolutionary War. Late in 1774, the British sent the 24-gun frigate Rose, under …
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“Money I have none:” Colonial Rhode Island’s Tradition of Negotiating Their Taxes and the Coming of the American Revolution
9 years ago

“Money I have none:” Colonial Rhode Island’s Tradition of Negotiating Their Taxes and the Coming of the American Revolution

In one of his oft-repeated observations, Benjamin Franklin remarked “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”[1] But Franklin would have exempted colonial Rhode …
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Silas Cooke’s War: the Sufferings of a Civilian on the Front Lines
10 years ago

Silas Cooke’s War: the Sufferings of a Civilian on the Front Lines

In any war, some of the people who suffer most are almost entirely overlooked by the subsequent histories: the people who happened to live where the fighting occurred or near …
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