Recent Posts
- Book Review: The Rise of Newport’s Catholics: From Colonial Outcasts to Gilded Age Leaders, by John F. Quinn (University of Massachusetts Press, 2024)
- Elisha Potter Jr., Thomas Commuck, and Indigenous Land Claims from the Brothertown Narragansetts
- South Kingstown’s Partial Census for 1730: Whites, Indians and Blacks
- The South Kingstown Planters: Country Gentry in Colonial Rhode Island
- How Narragansett Beer Survived Prohibition (But Still Couldn’t Escape the Government)
- “Boasted Land of Freedom”: Rhode Island Black Leaders and the Early Black Convention Movement, 1830-1835
- East Greenwich Historic Markers Project Completed
- Wickford’s Historic Marker Project
- Massive Timber Salvage After the Great Hurricane of 1938
- William Gilbane and Thomas Gilbane
- French Officers at the Battle of Rhode Island
- Book Review: CJ Martin, The Precious Birthright: Black Leaders and the Fight to Vote in Antebellum Rhode Island (University of Massachusetts Press, 2024)
- Book Review: Abby Chandler, Seized with the Temper of The Times: Identity and Rebellion in Pre-Revolutionary America (Westholme, 2023)
- Book Review: Seth Rockman, Plantation Goods: A Material History of American Slavery (University of Chicago Press, 2024)
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- Till We Meet Again: A Farewell (For Now) from Robert Grandchamp
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- Victims of Newport’s Stamp Act Riots Reimbursed (Not)
- “I Had Like to Have Forgot to Mention a Famous Sham Battle”
- Mary Cowley: Eighteenth Century Rhode Island Entrepreneur
- Railroad Signal Tower 133+ at Kingston Station Reconsidered
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- The Westerly Post Office Mural Mystery
- Newport’s Last Slave Auction: Rochambeau’s Prizes
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- The Smith Granite Company of Westerly: A Short History
- Indian Forts in Early Rhode Island
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- Governor’s 1708 Report Tells Where the First Black Enslaved People Who Arrived in Rhode Island Came from and About the Arrival of the First Slave Ship from Africa
- A Retrospective on Spartina, a Novel Based in South County
- Water Rights and Dams in Early Rhode Island
- Roger Williams: Founder of Economic Development
- A Book Review: Revolutionary Blacks: Discovering the Frank Brothers, Freeborn Men of Color, Soldiers of Independence by Shirley L. Green (Yardley, PA: Westholme, 2023)
- A History of Election Tickets in Rhode Island
- The Murder Trial of the Reverend Ephraim Avery at Newport (Part II of II)
- The Murder of Sarah Maria Cornell in Tiverton in 1832 (Part I of II)
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- Narragansetts (Not Mohawks) Blamed for Boston Tea Party
- Samuel Casey, Talented Colonial Silversmith and Notorious Counterfeiter, Escapes the Hangman
- The First Female Scientist at Naval Underwater Ordnance Station, Newport
- Roger Williams in Rhode Island
- A Book Review: Rhode Island Election Tickets: A Survey of Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Paper Ballots (Rhode Island Publications Society, 2023). Compiled by Russell J. DeSimone. Introduction by Patrick T. Conley.
- The Sloop Providence: Its Role in the Revolutionary War and its Rebuilding
- The Last Dozen: The Final Survivors of the Seventh Rhode Island Volunteers
- Lonnon Philips’s Sharecropping Agreement in 18th Century North Kingstown
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- General Isaac Peace Rodman, Citizen-Soldier and Martyr for the Union Cause
- Banister’s Band of Brothers: Fox Hunting in South Kingstown and Narragansett After the American Revolution
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- Book Launch: Machine Guns in Narraganset Bay: The Coast Guard’s War on Rumrunners
- Block Island Rumrunners, Rum Row and a Pirate Ship
- Did Rhode Island Matter in the American Revolution?
- Book Review: Revolutionary War Defenses in Rhode Island by John K. Robertson
- Ann Bates: British Spy Extraordinaire
- Rhode Island’s Surviving Town Animal Pounds—Relics of the Past
- When the Roma Came to Rhode Island
- Rhode Island’s Millionaires in 1892 and How They Made Their Money
- Teaching the Story of “Universal Liberty” in Revolutionary Rhode Island: A Review of Edward J. Larson’s American Inheritance: Liberty and Slavery in the Birth of the Nation, 1765-1795
- Colonel Daniel Hitchcock in the American Revolutionary War Remembered
- Rebekah Harkness, the Scorned Socialite of Watch Hill
- South Kingstown at 300 – Part 2: From King Philip’s War to 1723
- South Kingstown at 300 – PART 1: From the Narragansetts to the First White Settlers
- The Founders of Providence’s Five Industrial Wonders
- The French Depart Newport
- Diary of a Soldier in the Dorr War, May 17 to July 2, 1842
- The Armenian Diaspora in Rhode Island
- “Third Century of Liberty”?: Thomas Wilson Dorr and Debate over the Gag Rule in Rhode Island, 1835-1836
- The Alexander Sails for California in 1849
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- Saving and Restoring Kingston Station, and a Railfan’s Life: Part II
- Saving and Restoring Kingston Station, and a Railfan’s Life: Part I
- Narragansett Bay Freezes Over in the Winter of 1740
- Foster Boys in the Seventh Rhode Island
- Four Extraordinary Popular American Historians from Brown University’s Classes of 1978 to 1983
- Book Review: Meet Me at the Biltmore, 100 Years at Providence’s Most Storied Hotel
- Q&A with John K. Robertson, Author of the New Book, Revolutionary War Defenses in Rhode Island
- Rhode Island’s Whaling Industry, Once Led by Warren
- Remains of a Wrecked Whaling Ship from Warren Identified in Argentina
- The Irish of Rhode Island (Part II, 1922-1999)
- The Irish of Rhode Island (Part I, 1638-1921)
- Meeting Queen Elizabeth in Newport in 1976—and the Secret Service
- A Bicycle Paradise: Peter Laudati, Vincent Madonna and the Providence Cycledrome, 1925-1934
- Rhode Island’s U.S. Senators and Congressmen Who Held Enslaved People
- Narraganset Pier Railroad’s Operations in 1964 Described by the Company’s President
- The Hessians Are Coming! German Auxiliary Forces in Rhode Island during the Revolutionary War
- Rhode Island’s Four Stages of the American Revolutionary War
- Printing in the Rhode Island Courts, 1800-57
- Benjamin Church, The First American Ranger
- Newport Tennis Continues After It Loses the Championships and It Gains the Tennis Hall of Fame
- New Rhode Island History Book: Christian McBurney’s Dark Voyage: An American Privateer’s War on Britain’s African Slave Trade